Thursday, August 26, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources

When it comes to news, I tend to stray away from going directly to news stations' websites for new information. As a result, I most often find out what's happening in different parts of the world by word of mouth or social media. I am aware that receiving information this way can be risky, so if I am intrigued by something I hear or see I will do further research. The following is a list of the top 5 places I receive news and information.

1. My Father

My dad is a researcher at heart. He is a PA (physician assistant) who specializes in rural health, and as a result he is always seeking the latest information on medicines, treatments, and recently, coronavirus. He will read medical journals, newspapers, and watch YouTube videos. My mother is a PA as well and they spend hours talking to each other about the latest news in the medical world. Sometimes I will just listen to them talk and occasionally ask them questions. When answering my dad is always sure to tell me where he learned it from. Although word of mouth news isn't always the best, I trust the information my parents relay to me because they are very thorough and always seek the truth. 

2. YouTube

YouTube Logo
Nowadays everyone knows of or uses YouTube. I am an avid viewer, and I am subscribed to a variety of channels whose subject matter ranges from the latest car models to scientific phenomena. YouTube is one of my favorites places to learn new things because it has a little bit of anything you can think of. There is also good representation on YouTube because anyone from any background can create a video. Some of my favorite informational channels include: 

3. Instagram

This picture-based social media site is the one I spend the most time on following YouTube. Instagram is where I tend to learn the most about politics (mostly American), social issues, and foreign events. As I mentioned before, the information I receive rarely comes directly from a news source but rather through independent accounts. Some of these accounts are dedicated to researching and compiling information they find, and they will cite their sources. Other accounts I follow merely share the information they find to be interesting or important. Depending on the nature and degree of importance (which I may find at a different level than the account) I will seek out further details. 

4. BBC News

This is the first of two websites that I visit if I am actively searching for new information or trying to learn more about current events. I like BBC News because the articles are to the point and articles written about emerging situations are updated frequently. I also appreciate this website because it has an AllSides Media Bias rating of "Center." AllSides is a website that whose mission is to "free people from filter bubbles so they can better understand the world – and each other," and they are dedicated to balanced news. A rating of "Center" means that BBC News isn't predictably left or right on the political spectrum, but this doesn't mean it's unbiased either. It does mean that you're less likely to find strongly biased articles on the site, hence the reason I prefer it to others. 

5. New York Times

The New York Times is the second website I visit when researching. I have been using this site since a teacher recommended it as a reliable site in middle school. However, it is number 5 on my list now because it is rated "Lean Left" on the AllSides Media Bias scale. This means that articles on the site sometimes portray support for liberal or left-wing ideas and/or policies. Although this means you are more likely to encounter biased information, I trust my ability to identify bias enough to continue using the site for relevant and important information. 

And there you have it; these are the top 5 places I receive news from. I try to do my best to always get information that is unbiased, but sometimes this seems impossible to do. Either way, I just want to say it's important to fact check and even get multiple perspectives if needed. 

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